Hamilton Electric Bikes

Book an appointment

Welcome to our appointment booking page

e-Bike Overviews, Demos and Test Drives

There is no substitute or better way to buy an ebike or scooter then at a specialty retail shop like Hamilton Electric Bikes. Just being able to see, touch, sit on, ride and get all your questions answered by real human being that knows their stuff can make all the difference. To guarantee the best experience, we encourage you to schedule a date and time in our calendar below. Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Drop Off Appointments (for Service or Tune-Ups)

The appointment is to drop off your bike or scooter only, not when it will be serviced. Fixing stuff on the spot is usually not possible so be prepared to leave your bike or scooter here for a few days or longer if parts need to be ordered. When booking a service appointment please have your ebike, bicycle or scooter’s make, model and year information handy. Also, be sure to bring your charger, key, battery or anything else that may need to be checked or used in the inspection and repair.

If you have any questions before booking please contact us at (905) 545-2424 or service@hamiltonelectricbikes.ca
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