Hamilton Electric Bikes


Mechanical Services & Tune-ups

We offer complete service for our brand partners’ e-bikes that we sell: Visit Brands Page

As a courtesy, if you purchased your e-bike from Hamilton Electric Bike, any year, any vintage, you will be given priority over those who did not purchase their e-bike from us.

We can also provide basic services such as flat tire repairs, minor brake adjustments and basic tune ups on e-bikes we haven’t sold. Parts required for off brand repairs need to be sourced and provided by the customer.

Only UL or CE certified batteries will be allowed in the shop.

How it works

  1. Call or email before booking or bringing your e-bike in, to confirm we can support your service needs. 905-545-2424 / service@hamiltonelecricbikes.ca
  2. Bring your bike to the shop any time during our regular business hours or at your scheduled drop off time. Visit Book Appointment Page
  3. The service advisor will review the bike with you and give you an estimate for minor repairs.
  4. More complex repairs will require diagnostic checks at an additional charge that are typically done within 48 hours before an estimate can be provided.
  5. Service that requires replacement parts or overhauls could take 2-3 weeks to complete. We’ll do our best to help you get back on the road as soon as possible.
  6. You will receive a call or email when your e-bike is ready to pick up.


Our Basic tune-up is for those who simply need their gears and brakes tweaked for improved operation. We recommend doing the Complete tune-up on a yearly basis and consider The Works tune-up if you do a lot of riding or every 3 to 5 years with over 3,000km.

The Basic Tune-Up

$49.99 +tax
Covering the basics
  • Align shifters and adjust gears
  • Align and adjust brakes for best performance
  • Inflate tires to recommended pressure
  • Lubricate chain

The Complete Tune-Up

$99.99 +tax
More than Just the Basics

This tune-up is our most popular, with almost all e-bikes requiring this higher level of service and attention.

  • Align shifters and adjust gears
  • Align and adjust brakes for best performance
  • Inflate tires to recommended pressures
  • Drivetrain deep cleaning
  • Lubricate chain
  • Top up hydraulic fluids
  • Inspect chain tolerance
  • Inspect teeth wear on chainring and cassette
  • Inspect truing / spoke tension
  • Check torque specs are correct

The Works Tune-Up

$249.99 +tax

When an Overhaul is needed.

  • Align shifters and adjust gears
  • Replace brake pads and align for best performance
    (includes cost of pads)
  • Inflate tires to recommended pressures
  • Drivetrain deep cleaning
  • Lubricate chain
  • Flush and replace hydraulic fluids
  • Inspect chlain tolerance
  • Inspect teeth wear on chainring and cassette
  • Inspect truing / spoke tension
  • Check Torque specs are correct
  • Run a battery health test and generate report

Basic tune-ups are typically done within 48 hours. Complete tune-ups within 72 hours and service that requires replacement parts or The Works could take approximately 1 week to complete.Replacement parts are not included in the service package price unless noted.
Extra Dirty? Extra $49.99 charge applicable

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